Avoid WFH Burnout- How To Set Boundaries?

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Working From Home With Mary Magalotti

COVID-19 has resulted in fundamental changes to the lives of people in Australia and around the world. People have been forced to work from home, while still facing many other challenges from the pandemic, including homeschooling, increased anxiety, job insecurity, loneliness, and more. Therefore, it is imperative that you are able to prioritise caring for your mental wellbeing to ensure you get through these difficult times. Creating boundaries is an important part of achieving this.

Why Are Boundaries So Important When Working From Home?

When working from home it is difficult to maintain the normal structure of a work day. It is easy to lose structure and jump straight out of bed onto your computer, still in your pyjamas, work through your lunchtime, or even late into the night. For some, it may be the opposite, with people struggling to stay motivated and spending hours procrastinating and then having to make up this time later.

During the current climate with social distancing restrictions in place and less social commitments is very easy to overwork yourself. You might experience that your manager, your peers, or even yourself may abuse this and expect an increase in time worked, as “you have nothing better to do”. This can be extremely detrimental to your mental health; therefore, it is important to have designated time to relax and practise self-care.

How To Set WFH Boundaries- Life Resolutions

The team at Life Resolutions are also working from home during these unprecedented times, so we understand what people are going through. Therefore, we have put together a few tips to help people to implement or maintain boundaries when working from home.

1.     Set a schedule and stick to it – wake up at a certain time each day and stick to set working hours, as you would when at your workplace, for example, work from 9am to 5 pm each day with a one-hour lunch break. Let your managers and colleagues know your hours of work and break times, so they do not abuse your availability.

2.     Create a daily “to-do” list – write down your intentions and tasks for the day (both for work and your personal life) and stick to them, this will give you more motivation to complete your tasks and will give you a greater sense of satisfaction at the end of the day.

3.     Schedule breaks – take time out when you need a break to ensure you do not wear yourself down, take a walk in the fresh air, make a coffee, chat with your family, whatever makes you feel more relaxed.

4.     Respect your lunch break – it is easy to forget about lunch when you are working from home, or to just take a short break, but this time is necessary to give yourself a little respite from the stresses of the day. Try to maintain taking a lunch break like you would at work – walk down to your local café for some takeaway, cook yourself a healthy meal or schedule a zoom lunch break with friends or colleagues – this will help you to maintain boundaries and prevent burn out.

5.     Pay attention to your mental health – If you feel yourself struggling with your mental health at any point, seek help! Our team of passionate mental health professionals are here to help you. We are currently offering Telehealth services to allow our clients to access our services from the safety of their own home. So, if you are having any difficulty in coping with the changes the pandemic has provided, contact our friendly team today to book an appointment.

Contact Mary Magalotti And Jodie Brenton Life Resolutions Today

If you are interested in the work we do at Life Resolutions or would like to know about the journey of our CEO and Founder, Jodie Brenton or our principal psychologist, Mary Magalotti, feel free to contact us here. Or, head to the Life Resolutions website to discover more about Jodie Brenton and Mary Magalotti Life Resolutions work.